Rhombus problems, exercises tests

Solve 7 practice problems, exercises, and tests related to rhombuses


 Study: Rhombus Formulas and Calculation Examples


1. Find the area and perimeter of a rhombus: Given: Side length (a) = 8 inches Calculate the area (A) and perimeter (P) of the rhombus.


2. Calculate the diagonal lengths: Given: Area (A) = 48 square inches, Length of one diagonal (q) = 10 inches Find the length of the other diagonal (d2).


3. Determine the inradius: Given: Area (A) = 36 square inches, Side length (a) = 6 inches Calculate the in-radius (r) of the rhombus.


4. Find the circumradius: Given: Length of the horizontal diagonal (p) = 12 inches, Length of the vertical diagonal (q) = 9 inches Find the circumradius (R) of the rhombus.


5. Calculate the area of a rhombus: Given: Length of two adjacent sides (e and f) = 7 inches, Included angle (angle) = 60 degrees Determine the area (A) of the rhombus.


6. Find the side length of a rhombus: Given: Length of the horizontal diagonal (p) = 10 inches, Length of the vertical diagonal (q) = 6 inches Calculate the length of one side (a) of the rhombus.


7. Calculate the area of a rhombus: Given: Length of one side (a) = 5 feet, Height (h) = 8 feet Determine the area (A) of the rhombus.

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